不銹鋼加工, 激光切割加工,不銹鋼制品加工,德航隆工(北京)機電設備有限公司 http://www.jaggibuildtech.com

不銹鋼新聞Stainless steel news
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不銹鋼新聞Stainless steel news

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日期: 2014-01-14 信息來源: admin 瀏覽次數(shù)【181

1.不銹鋼制品: 不銹鋼垃圾桶、不銹鋼花盆,不銹鋼水篦子、高檔酒店用品、家具家私、花盆、消毒設備等制品。
   北京圣恩斯特商貿(mào)有限公司是一家集開發(fā),設計.加工.制作.安裝,并承接大,中.小型裝飾工程的綜合性企業(yè)。長期從事賓館.飯店.寫字樓現(xiàn)代化商場的金屬配套裝飾工程。 本公司擁有先進的生產(chǎn).加工設備,專業(yè)設計人員技術(shù)和優(yōu)秀的施工隊伍。在長期的工程安裝中博取眾長,精益求精,逐步形成了務實.誠信.求精.創(chuàng)新的企業(yè)經(jīng)營理念。在廣泛的客戶群體中贏得良好的聲譽,也贏得了各界用戶信賴。


Beijing is located in the South and North Xiaohongmen stainless steel processing plant, the three mountain, is a set of stainless steel processing, steel wholesale, laser cutting processing as one of the market, where the concentration of many excellent stainless steel manufacturers, such as AOKANG Beijing City Shing Tai Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd., and Beijing saint Ernst trading company is a processing plant is very good the,

Two, stainless steel processing

1 stainless steel products: stainless steel trash can, stainless steel pot, stainless steel water grate, high-grade hotel supplies, furniture, flower pots, disinfection equipment products.

2 NC machine tools (planer, shearing, folding,) high precision machining operations.

Beijing Saint Ernst Trade Co., Ltd. is a collection development, design, processing. Production. The installation, and to undertake large, small and medium-sized enterprises. Comprehensive decoration engineering. Long engaged in hotel, office metal supporting Decoration Engineering building modernized market. The company has advanced production processing equipment, professional technology and excellent construction team. Refine on the long-term project installation, from all the long, gradually formed a pragmatic. Integrity. Refinement. Innovative business ideas. Won a good reputation in a wide range of customers, also won the trust of users from all walks of life.

Technical strength of Beijing San Ernst trading company: drawing and technical personnel 7, equipment operation and maintenance training 4 technicians, a laser cutting operation, 30 technicians, two level laser cutting operation 8 technicians, business reception 40, material sales 2, shipping 4. The original please do not reprint, source: http://www.jaggibuildtech.com


電話: 13901087230

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