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不銹鋼新聞Stainless steel news

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日期: 2013-06-19 信息來源: admin 瀏覽次數(shù)【278


 當(dāng)不銹鋼管表面出現(xiàn)褐色銹斑(點(diǎn))的時(shí)候,人們大感驚奇:認(rèn)為 “不銹鋼是不生銹的,生銹就不是不銹鋼了,可能是鋼質(zhì)出現(xiàn)了問題”。 其實(shí),這是對不銹鋼缺乏了解的一種片面的錯(cuò)誤看法。不銹鋼在一定的 條件下也會(huì)生銹的。 

1.不銹鋼表面存積著含有其他金屬元素的粉塵或異類金屬顆粒的附著物,在潮濕的空氣中,附著物與不銹鋼間的冷凝水,將二者連成一個(gè) 微電池,引發(fā)了電化學(xué)反應(yīng),保護(hù)膜受到破壞,稱之謂電化學(xué)腐蝕。 

2.不銹鋼表面粘附有機(jī)物汁液(如瓜菜、面湯、痰等),在有水氧 情況下,構(gòu)成有機(jī)酸,長時(shí)間則有機(jī)酸對金屬表面的腐蝕。 

3.不銹鋼表面粘附含有酸、堿、鹽類物質(zhì)(如裝修墻壁的堿水、石 灰水噴濺),引起局部腐蝕。 

4.在有污染的空氣中(如含有大量硫化物、氧化碳、氧化氮的大氣 ),遇冷凝水,形成硫酸、硝酸、醋酸液點(diǎn),引起化學(xué)腐蝕。 

When the surface of stainless steel brown rust (point), people great surprise: that "Stainless steel is not rust, the rust is not stainless steel, steel may be a problem." In fact, this is a lack of understanding of the stainless steel one-sided view of the error. Stainless steel will rust under certain conditions a.

A stainless steel surface accumulating the dust containing other metals or heterogeneous metal particles attachments, in the humid air, fixtures and stainless steel condensate between the two together into a micro-cell, causing the electrochemical reaction , the protective film is damaged, call it that electrochemical corrosion.

2 stainless steel surface adhesion of organic juice (such as vegetables, soup, sputum, etc.), in a case of water oxygen to form organic acids, acids long is the corrosion of the metal surface.

3 stainless steel surface adhesion containing acid, alkali, salts (such as wall decoration alkaline, lime splash), causing localized corrosion.

4 in the contamination of the air (such as rich in sulfides, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide atmosphere), the case of condensation water to form sulfuric acid, nitric acid, acetic acid solution point, cause chemical corrosion.

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