不銹鋼加工, 激光切割加工,不銹鋼制品加工,德航隆工(北京)機電設(shè)備有限公司 http://www.jaggibuildtech.com

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激光切割新聞Laser cutting news

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日期: 2018-07-16 信息來源: 德航隆工 瀏覽次數(shù)【99


     激光切割一直是激光加工應(yīng)用最廣泛的一項技術(shù),脈沖激光適用于金屬材料,連續(xù)激光適用于非金屬材料,后者是激光切割技術(shù)的重要應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域。與計算機控制的自動設(shè)備結(jié)合,激光束具有無限的仿形切割能力,切割軌跡修改方便。激光切割無機械變形、無刀具磨損,容易實現(xiàn)自動化生產(chǎn)?! 〖す馇懈顝V泛應(yīng)用于鈑金加工、金屬加工、廣告制作、廚具、汽車、燈具、鋸片、升降電梯、金屬工藝品、紡織機械、糧食機械、眼鏡制作、航空航天、醫(yī)療器械、儀器儀表等行業(yè)。特別是在鈑金加工行業(yè)中已取代傳統(tǒng)加工方式,深受行業(yè)用戶的青睞?! ∫?、激光切割工藝  激光切割利用高功率密度激光束照射被切割材料,使材料很快被加熱至汽化溫度,蒸發(fā)形成孔洞,隨著光束對材料的移動,孔洞連續(xù)形成寬度很窄的(如0.1mm左右)切縫,完成對材料的切割?! 〖す馇懈羁煞譃榧す馄懈睢⒓す馊刍懈?、激光氧氣切割和激光劃片與控制斷裂四類。  1、激光汽化切割  利用高能量密度的激光束加熱工件,使溫度迅速上升,在非常短的時間內(nèi)達到材料的沸點,材料開始汽化,形成蒸氣。這些蒸氣的噴出速度很大,在蒸氣噴出的同時,在材料上形成切口。材料的汽化熱一般很大,所以激光汽化切割時需要很大的功率和功率密度?! 〖す馄懈疃嘤糜跇O薄金屬材料和非金屬材料(如紙、布、木材、塑料、橡皮、泡沫等)的切割。超短脈沖激光使這項技術(shù)可以應(yīng)用于其他材料。金屬中的自由電子吸收激光并劇烈升溫。激光脈沖不與熔融的粒子和等離子體反應(yīng),材料直接升華,沒有時間將能量以熱量的形式傳給周圍材料。皮秒脈沖燒蝕材料時沒有明顯的熱效應(yīng),沒有熔化和毛刺形成。

    2018年國產(chǎn)激光切割機技術(shù)有了突破性的發(fā)展,并朝著高功率、高精度、大幅面的方向挺進。在中國智能制造大背景下,工業(yè)領(lǐng)域都呈現(xiàn)從傳統(tǒng)加工向高端制造轉(zhuǎn)型的態(tài)勢,中國激光切割領(lǐng)域市場規(guī)模將一直保持著高速發(fā)展的趨勢。(http://www.jaggibuildtech.com    )

In 2018, the market size of laser cutting equipment in China was 40 billion 300 million yuan, and the growth rate was 32%. The market size of the small and medium power laser cutting equipment has maintained a high growth rate, and its core laser achieved a higher localization rate. The high power laser cutting machine is relatively late in the development of low and medium power laser cutting machine, and is more dependent on foreign import. The price of imported high power laser is high, the price of equipment is still very high, and the market increase is relatively low.
Laser cutting is the most widely used technology in laser processing. Pulse laser is suitable for metal materials. Continuous laser is suitable for non-metallic materials. The latter is an important application field of laser cutting technology. Combined with computer controlled automatic equipment, the laser beam has unlimited copying cutting ability, and the cutting path is easy to modify. Laser cutting has no mechanical deformation and no tool wear. It is easy to realize automatic production. Laser cutting is widely used in sheet metal processing, metal processing, advertising production, kitchen appliances, cars, cars, lamps, saw blades, lift elevators, metal crafts, textile machinery, grain machinery, glasses, aerospace, medical instruments, instruments and instruments and other industries. Especially in the sheet metal processing industry has replaced the traditional processing methods, favored by the industry users. First, laser cutting laser cutting uses high power density laser beam to irradiate the cut material, so that the material is quickly heated to the vaporization temperature and evaporates to form holes. With the moving of the beam to the material, the hole is formed in a narrow width (like about 0.1mm), and the cutting of the material is completed. Laser cutting can be divided into four categories: laser vaporization, laser melting, laser oxygen cutting, laser scribing and controlled fracture. 1. Laser vaporization cutting is used to heat the workpiece with high energy density laser beam, so that the temperature rises rapidly and reaches the boiling point of the material in a very short time. The material begins to vaporize and form steam. These vapour spew out very fast, and when the steam comes out, the incision is formed on the material. The vaporization heat of materials is generally large, so laser power cutting requires large power and power density. Laser vaporization is used for cutting very thin metal and non-metallic materials (such as paper, cloth, wood, plastic, rubber, foam, etc.). Ultrashort pulse laser enables this technology to be applied to other materials. The free electrons in the metal absorb the laser and heat up violently. Laser pulses do not react with molten particles and plasmas, and materials are directly sublimated. There is no time to transmit energy to the surrounding materials in the form of heat. Picosecond pulse ablation has no obvious thermal effect, no melting and burr formation.
In 2018, the technology of domestic laser cutting machine has made breakthrough development, and is advancing towards the direction of high power, high precision and large format. In the context of China's intelligent manufacturing, the industry has been changing from traditional processing to high-end manufacturing, and the market size of laser cutting in China will keep the trend of rapid development.

電話: 13901087230

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